Saturday, February 6, 2010

My Reflection during the Recollection

It was Saturday when we held the recollection day. With seminarians and priests the assist us. It has been a experience for us, our group together with the BSE III. But we thought it could have been better if we, our group have it separated with the other section. We missed a lot of thing for your class exclusively. The Seminarians weren't so good in facilitating us yesterday. He seems unscrupulous in some sense for his words weren't cogent enough. However it helped me alot in my spiritual development and recollect my experiences like what I'm often doing. I came to know other group too despite of my hunger.hahahahahahaaa.
From that day, i have known that many in our group really do not want this course, only some inevitable circumstances and factors propelled them, similar to me. Financial challenge is a generic reason to hinder everyone of us, but i told them I and my brothers found it easy, since God is with us. We never look it as a constraint, behind that problem, we just keep on calling in God, trust Him fully and with my our faith we work and eventually we do not lack of anything. Personal problem is the biggest factor I've had, and still am struggling up to now, probably like you and the others too. It's my ardent aim to achieve my goal, my personal vision. That I konw, I would loss something or someone but looking at my vision I regard everything as a part of it. If I lost something, I will surely get another one. And what you get is always better than what you lost. You lost it simply because God knows you need no more that particular thing. A pearl change a stone. But merely a human, It hard not for sometimes but all the times. I have heart as well. The hidden tears beneath my soul keeps flowing from my urgent resistance. My mind is so cruel, so autocratic. That it dictates me and imposed its notion and clog the hole from where the tears are dropping.... I learned to embrace teaching, for teaching will not be my profession but my life. This where our Living God has placed me, and here I will plant seed, water it, bear fruit and propagate. This is my place under the sun, God is the source of my sinew and you. May our omnipotent God be with us always and guide us though opening our spiritual senses, and direct our chosen path.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Our 2nd day in FS

It's indeed a wonderful day being with the students of the Panikihan National High School. Learning things both in the part of the students, particularly in teacher's dimension. I've learned multifarious ways on how to deal with and how to be dealt with. Let me share to you the vivid qoutation that marks my sanity this day.

" Ambition without knowledge is like a boat on dry land"

Unoblivious of the truth that everyone has his ambition, something we desire, our set goal. but precede its attainment is the acquisition of our knowledge, our will be tool, and the heuristics of every decision. Ambition is already there, the cognitive map was palpably established, whereas will be our guide, but the underlying query is what are the signs you can use. do you know those signs, how far do you know and how else you can improve such lower zone of your ZPD(Zone of Proximal Development). Such competencies we do have (strong, rough, refined of challenge) this are our paddle to have our boat sail. Without such paddle, no any sort of event would happen to you. You will merely find yourself lying in the immense of bivouac waiting lengthy for such uncertain casualties. Like a boat on the dry land is also like planting a seed in a fresh cement then hardened afterwards and there buried in its firmness.

But come to have your foot on it. You have your ambition, you have your knowledge either. and what ever is your level of ambition, you can administer such knowledge paralel to that to achieving that. You are no in a dry land. but in a vast see, with its vastness you can stravage and utilize. You have your paddle and therefor use it, sail! sail! sail! and surmount such thwarting turbulence in your tract.!!!!! Wheresover you reach entirely rests on you.... hahahahahhahaha

My Blue Friday

I feel so blue this day. I palpably aware why but i keep on groping. I want to divert my mind from those petty concern as I regard them. But behind that it negatively affects me underneath. What can I do. It has been my wont, the way I am since I became what I am. I regard all things easy to deal with. That everything happens for good. I just stare at the positive what I see and know what. It's so enigmatic of the feeling that seemingly envelope you in a new dimension of the same world. I think there no problem I can't bear, nor any situation I can't handle beyond my sinew.,... Guys keep smiling... OO man.. that's extremely healthy for your heart..ahahahahhahahahaaaaa... Sorry ha,.. Please understand this only raymund francia. I'd been this before and I will be this forever.... nothing had change in me, please see me the same in the most shallow and deepest understanding... ahahahahaa. nostalgic ako now and not EMO. hahahaa

Monday, February 1, 2010

Prince of the Gentle Green (the Title)

The PRINCE merely alludes a heir, I just want to use the word Prince no other reason beneath that(",)... but I know we are all heir, since our father is a king. KING of all kings. of the Gentle Green, because I really love green color, its such an amiable color and appeals to the placid part of the eyes. I love nature, I keep on saying my friends, whenever you see field, remember me. In the trees, ricefield, grassland, leaves and other sorts. I regard myself a green man but not absurdly similar to HULK("u). Precede Green is Gentle because there are conspicuously variety of green colors. Some are light and complascent, some are strong, darkly, rough, there are smooth, so state it simply there are inquantifiable color of green. But I am GENTLE. A tact influencing touch of my personality influence my peers. I hope you see me the same way too!!!!!!;-).

Friday, January 29, 2010

MY First FS,,..

This is our first day of observation, i indeed enjoyed everything, and learned something very sensible as i regard it. You watch the video of Efren PeƱaflorida. That's outstandingly superb... I was nearly astrayed..hahahahaha because of that bus, i walked about half kl. as I exaggerated it.. hahahahaa., I made this poem during our observation immediately while we were watching the clip of PeƱaflorida, that's worth watching.

HERO ( A call of time)
By Raymund C. Francia

Filled with heroes, is o’er world:
Rich and poor, young and old;
Man and woman, white and black;
All in around, heroes stalk.

Flying and walking, fleet and slow;
Rough and smooth, loud and soft;
A voice of hero! a voice of us!
All in around, heroes stalk.

King and slave, fame and unknown;
Free and detained, open and concealed;
Beneath and above, front and back
All in around, heroes stalk.

Pen and hammer, chalk and gun;
Needle and tire, keyboard and ball;
Green, blue, or white in color,
Collectively, are hues that stalk.

Determined, thy of great spirits!
Beseech by urgent bout, unleash.
Wax with your very sinew.
All in around let us stalk.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Blogg.

This is my second blog,. i'v had hard times saving my first blog due to that connection,. This week had been so toxic for us. There are so many games we participated. I almost win the Academic Wizard, so near that there's only 2 points difference. I was defaulted in the chess and 100 metre dash. hahahahahaaa. so happy watching how all things work together, and it all account for good. the Sophomore organization made it to the goal., Congratulations to us!!!!!!....